Hope you are well.
Recently I came across a video that was sent to me. It was about a plant that eats insects. The name of it is Venus Flytrap. That video showed how the plant eats the insect. This plant is a small one and it is found the regions of South and North Carolina. The scientists say that the plants lure the insects to them and trap them. The reddish interior and the nectar secreting glands of the plant make the insects think that it is a flower. Thinking that it is a flower, the insects approach the plant and as they sit on the plant, the hormones in the plant start acting fast enough to trap the insects into the plant. Then after trapping the insect, the organ becomes an external stomach and tries to digest the prey. It may take from two to three days or even more to digest the prey depending on the size of the prey.
When I was reading about this plant I was really excited and I imagined the way the devil lures people to himself and leads them to destruction. The interesting thing about the plant was that how the plants attract or lure the prey with their external appearance. I was reminded of how Eve felt with the forbidden fruits of the Garden of Eden. The scripture reads thus: The woman saw that the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eyes, and the tree was desirable for gaining wisdom. (Gen: 3:6a). The eyes of Eve were the first cause of temptation. It is through the eyes that the beauty of the fruits appearance enters in to the mind of Eve. This is something similar that happens to us.
We live in a world filled with varieties of allurements. There are a lot of things that seem to give happiness and contentment to people. But most of them are not so. They are all allurements and temptations to attract people. There are agents to get those allurements promoted at most expensive cost, which most of the times is the health of people, life of the people, happiness of people and anything good that people can enjoy. All these are at detriment of the people’s good. As those preys are allured and attracted towards the flytrap, these externally or seemingly good stuff also allure people to deception.
This kind of temptation occurs in two phases. First is to distract one from the real good elements like faith, morals, discipline, good values, spirituality and things related to these. The second phase is to affirm that those bad stuff are going to be good. Those things are like material pleasure and acquisition of material wealth. This affirmation part is so strong that it entices one’s mind and makes us believe that what is portrayed as good is completely true. The sad part is our brain easily succumbs to those allurements. This is how we fall into spiritual sins through the material beginning. To keep us on the alert and live properly is a very big challenge posed in front of us. We need to keep our faith and conviction strong enough to withstand all these worldly temptations and be the chosen one of God.
May God bless you and keep you away from the earthly allurements.
Yours in Christ Jesus,
Fr. A. Antony